
Sandra - Little girl-小女孩

80年代歐洲舞曲皇后Sandra - Little Girl

Venice night at 5 o'clock
The station hazy light
A sleepin' bum, a single girl
She's leavin' overnigt

An' she knows that it's forever
An' she'll never ever return

In italy on holidays
She had to see da vinci's style
All the arts for credit cards
She would forgive him for a smile

An' she knows that it's forever
An' she'll never ever return

Hey little girl
Don't wanna cause you pain
But the big boys feel no sorrow

Hey little girl
They're all the same
But they feel no sorrow

There she is inside a train
An' now she's leanin' back
She's got money for one day
An' nothing in the rack

An' she knows that it's forever
An' she'll never ever return

Hey little girl
Don't wanna cause you pain
But the big boys feel no sorrow
Hey little girl
The're all the same
But they feel no sorrow
1985年夏,以一首聖經中"悔改的賣春婦瑪麗亞"人物為靈感創作的歐式舞曲作品"Maria Magdalena"而聲名大噪,襲捲歐洲、南美洲乃至非洲的埃以及中東的以色列等地區,一舉拿下全球共21國銷售排行冠軍席位的Sandra,是少數以德國為出發點卻走紅國際的女性歌手,其接下來的"In The Heat Of The Night"、"Little Girl"、"Innocent Love"、"Hi! Hi! Hi!"、"Loreen"、"Midnight Man"、"Everlasting Love"等一連串包括台灣在內各地大大小小電台及舞會都必播必放、膾炙人口的全球熱門排行舞曲,成為80年代Euro Dance/Euro Pop的代表人物,穩坐歐洲舞曲皇后寶座。

  事實上,出生於德國,本名Sandra Ann Lauer的Sandra,1976年即發行了其首支單曲"Andy mein Freund",並於1979年加入Arabesque女子三人組擔任主唱,在日本掀起一股媲美ABBA在歐洲所創的Arabesque旋風。從1979年至1985年解散,Arabesque在日本共發行了15張專輯, 30張單曲及一張CD,而Sandra穿著緊身T恤搭小短裙或者類似70年代迪斯可女王的性感裝扮,更使得她成為該團中最眾所矚目的象徵,其中也包括了她未來個人音樂事業的最重要推手兼如今的夫婿--人稱鬼才的音樂製作人Michael Cretus。
Sandra - Maria Magdalena
